June 8, 2021 President's Message

June 8, 2021 President's Message

Håfa Adai fellow GAR Members,

We are halfway through the year and much closer to a better version of ‘normalcy’ than we thought was possible at this time last year. We as an Association can say we did our part to get us here in that we were compliant and vigilant in following the mandates. Let’s continue to do so until they are lifted so we can stay safe and keep selling. Here are a few updates on what was done and what we have coming up.

-We had our first Legislative Forum of the year that was attended by seven of our senators. The topics and discussion from the senators and our Legislative Committee made for a very productive meeting. The forum started with Siska of Cornerstone Giving her market report and suggesting that the senators help speed up the building permit process citing an experience she had herself. This suggestion and others were well received by our Senators and I am sure those of us working with contractors will appreciate this as well.

-The GRPR committee had a training last week on the basics and more for the app. We are going to be having one more in June and another in July. If you haven’t used the app because you don't see the value of it or if you don't know how to use it, I want to suggest that you attend the next two training to see how others are using it or even to ask questions that will help you better understand how to use it. Please keep reading the emails from GAR for updates on the times and dates of these training.

-GRYPN committee had a Wake Up GRYPN event with a Photofy representative as well as two top-level executives from Docomo giving insight into their secret success. They will be having more events coming up soon so please keep updated with the GAR newsletter for dates and times.

-Community Service Committee donated much needed items to the Rigalu House which houses foster kids until they are found a home to go to. They are currently collecting items again to make another round of donations this month. Please contact Committee Chair (Justin Brown) at 777-2105, Committee Vice Chair Madelene Campos at 486-7470 or GAR for more information on what items are needed and where to drop off items.

-We had a FLEX MLS Training on contact management and will be having another training this month. Please keep checking in on GAR updates via email.
-We have a Brokers Forum coming up on the 18th from 8-11:30. We have a good amount of talking points and look forward to good discussion and great ideas coming out of it.

-The next Board of Directors Meeting will be this Thursday. We will keep you updated on any updates from your Leadership. -A Zip Forms question was brought up to me the other day. It was regarding Commission Agreements. Without going into detail on the question I want to point out that the Commission Agreement should be used between Broker and Principal (owner, tenant or whomever is paying) and the Cooperating Broker Compensation Agreement and Escrow Instruction should be used between Broker to Broker. For more information please talk to your broker or contact myself or the GAR office for guidance on who to talk to.

-Realtor Cards are currently available on the GAR website right above the GRPR access link. You can use this to show at our Realtor Affinity Partner locations. The Member Benefit Committee is currently working on updating the list of Benefit Partners. If you have or know a business that would like to be part of our Partners please contact someone on the Member Benefit Committee, GAR or myself for more information on how to get them signed up. That’s all for now. I look forward to seeing you at our next event. Thank you.

Shawn Blas
2021 GAR President

June Newsletter Message