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Hafa Adai Members,

The office of the Governor and the 35th Guam Legislature will participate in the walkout in support of our Island's sexual assault victim.

Let us REALTORS® take a step up to show support as well. Enough is Enough! Please see below for more information and attached photo for walkout sites.

Life can change in a matter of 5 minutes. Last week, we learned that Paul Mafnas Jr. had taken his 5th known victim! Within the last 8 months, media outlets reported 34 arrests for rape and other sex-related crimes. 28 of the victims from these arrests were minors. 

Guam has been in a state of crisis and chaos for years due to weakened laws and obvious leniency within judicial policies and processes. No one is listening to the victims. Cries for help are falling on deaf ears. We can no longer sit back and pray something gets done. Attention and immediacy to these crimes should not only be a concern of regular citizens, but it should also be the PRIORITY of our Leaders, and we are outraged! 

We have had ENOUGH, and the numbers speak for themselves. We are coordinating an Island Wide Standout on Wednesday, April 24, beginning at 5:05pm. We are encouraging everyone to WALKOUT, no matter where you are, and STAND alongside us in solidarity to show our leaders just how SERIOUS we are about the safety of our community and our families! In raising one hand with the word “ENOUGH” written on your palm, let’s stand for ALL victims of sexual assault and that these deficiencies in the government need to STOP!! This is a community effort! Let’s be heard! 

Please encourage all your friends and family to get involved! Everyone has 5 minutes in their day to spare. Let's raise our hands at exactly 5:05pm for 5 minutes. 

Enough is Enough!
Let’s do this!